Commercial drone photography and video are new additions to the established services of Michael Ray Photography. For a couple of decades now, Michael Ray has established himself in Pittsburgh as a talented, professional generalist, commercial photographer, with a particular focus on industrial, people, and food photography. In the last couple of years, Michael has added commercial drone photography and videography to his offered Services
Michael is a licensed and insured drone pilot, with all the skills needed to create artistically composed still images and videos, of a wide range of subject matters, including industrial locations, architectural structures, and other scenic venues.
What sets Michael apart from most drone pilots is his well-developed sense of composition. In his many years of commercial photography experience, Michael developed his artistic eye behind the camera. That’s one of the main reasons for his success. Not everyone can compose an image or frame a video shot that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. It’s an art, and very few people can master that set of skills. Michael is able to transfer the skills that he’s developed as a “ground photographer “, to shooting with his “flying camera”. That’s really all a drone is, a flying camera. So, when you want to judge the quality of a drone pilot, you need to really look at his or her composition. That’s what separates the amateurs from the professionals.
Michael’s drone services include Industrial, and commercial uses, including construction and any other marketing needs. Michael shoots both video and still photos with the drone, and rutinly combines drone cameras with ground-based commercial photography cameras, thus eliminating the need for other vendors.
If you’d like to see samples of Michael’s video services, you can get an idea of the quality of his drone video capabilities, by checking out his Drone Stock video playlist on Youtube. Since these videos are “stock video footage”, they haven’t been edited for quality or video impact. Most of this footage is right out of the camera, so it is not edited for presentation. There is no music and many of the shots are way too long. These videos will give you an idea of Michael’s technique and sense of composition.
Michael has multiple high-quality drones that will assure that he is able to complete a project, even if one of his drones happens to have “technical difficulties”. That’s important, is the job needs to be completed within a specific time frame. Many drone pilots, only own one drone and can’t guarantee a timely completion of the job. Michael is a professional, used to working under pressure, and prides himself in getting what the clients need, when they need it.
Thanks for visiting the drone section of my webpage. Probably what I think is the greatest advantage over my competitor drone pilots, is my ability to combine conventional commercial photography and my “flying camera” skills. For more years than I care to admit, I’ve been working as a commercial photographer here in Pittsburgh. I’ve developed all the skills necessary to create a successful business, in a highly competitive business. I understand what good lighting is and how to create or find it. I’ve developed a strong sense of composition, which is probably the most important skill of a drone pilot. Pretty much anyone can learn to fly a drone, but to consistently come back with great photography or videography, is a whole other matter.
And why would you want to hire two different professionals to do one job? I’ve found that my clients often want me to combine both my ground and aerial photography skills. After all, a deone is nothing but a flying camera.
Here are a few links to articles and social media sites containing Michael’s Drone photography.
MichaelRayDrone – Instagram page
YouTube playlist of stock footage
Why Hiring an Experienced Freelance Commercial Photographer with Drone Capabilities is a Smart Investment
If you’d like to see my other types of commercial photography services, you can find it here and here.
If you’d like to talk with me regarding an upcoming project or to learn more about my drone and photography services, please feel free to either call me at 412-418-2838, or reach me by email at mray@michaelray.com.